Goose Calendar

November Rides

I just submitted rides to the CBC for the 4 Sundays in November. They should, therefore, appear in the Courier. I submitted Strenuous and Brisk paces, 40-60 miles.

If anyone would like to add a Laughing Group pace to some or all of these rides, that would be appreciated by all. I can probably still edit the description for a day or two, if anyone thinks I should. It's as follows:

"It is said that there are only two types of riders in the Pacific Northwest: the wet and the weak. So stay strong and join us for our winter rides. No rain cancellation. If roads are wet, use fenders with mudflaps or be relegated to the back of the group. We'll be riding the less traveled roads in and around the Snoqualmie and Snohomish river valleys. Route and distance will depend on weather and mood. These rides are challenging enough that we train a little during the week to make them even more fun. We will ride hills, with each group having hilltop regroups. We emphasize safe, cooperative riding. Paceline skills recommended. We meet at 9:00 and start riding at 9:20, riding out of the Redhook Ale Brewery parking lot in Woodinville on 145th St. You must park in the east end of the lot. "

I hear it might rain a little this coming Sunday. No problemo, right? The following Sunday we won't publish, because that's the Kitsap Color Classic, but we will ride as usual.

See you out there.

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